About otherWise
otherWise is wise people who have experienced many challenges in business and faced a lot of business cases. And they have had plenty occasions to try out their skills in finding a proper point of view. They know how to search for new, fresh and wise (other + wise) solutions. We are sure that they do not know all the answers but they can ask smart, creative questions and are good listeners. They are effective in finding new solutions and experienced in implementation of changes. That is why they treat each problem as a great chance of success. Otherwise, they can admit they are not able to deal with a problem.
otherWise means a different manner of work. Wise people work smart, not hard. And they know what to do to be sure they work smart. And wise people love to work with those who’d rather work smart.
This is just the beginning, it is not the whole story. To work smart everyone has to learn one’s lessons and get skills. For us, experience is the most valuable lesson and we’d love to share this lesson with you.
A short brochure in PDF: otherWise-CC_CaseStudy_EN