Project management

Safe and effective conduction of an implementation of a telco projects.

“Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.” Henry Ford.

It is enough, in practice. Maybe one more thing – to go straight on to a clearly set goal. Very simple, but on the other hand, not so widely in use. There are several reasons why, but usually this is because of “habits” or “good practices”. Those “habits” slow down the project and increase a risk of failure.

We are experienced in implementation projects in IT and telco sector and we offer our support exclusively in such projects. The Carry-On methodology that we use can be applicable for different types of projects but our project management services are focused on IT and telco projects.

Our portfolio of safe and effective project management services includes:

  • Gaining scopes of the project with otherWise service of Carry-On compliant managing the project,
  • Reducing the risk of the project with otherWise consultancy of requirements, scopes and constrains of the project,
  • Speeding up the project and improving the communication by leasing tools of the Carry-On project management portal,
  • Supporting the project team of the supplier or (in most cases) customer,
  • Collaboration with the owner of the project in setting scopes and goals and proper understanding the domain of the project.